Saturday, September 25, 2010

Free "Gotcha" Session for Adoptive Families

They are already yours in your heart, now they are officially yours in your arms.

I am always looking for ways to use my photography for positive things, and recently I decided that one way is to support families that are choosing adoption as a way to expand their family.

Many of our family friends have adopted some, or all, of their children.  My husband has two adopted siblings, and I think that this is why we would eventually like to adopt; we have seen the impact that it can have in our own lives.  But until that day, I have wanted to do something in support of adoption, so I am offering a free "Gotcha Day" session. 

"Gotcha Day" referrs to the day when your child first becomes your forever child.  You can choose from the time you bring your tiny bundle of joy to the US, when you sign the last of the court papers or whatever date you have signified as your day. You can arrange a date beforehand, or take your time and adjust to all of the changes and then give me a call!


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