Saturday, November 6, 2010

Liam: St. Louis Park Newborn Photography

Today I got to do one of my favorite things, have a newborn session.  It was made even more fun by the fact that, the baby was super-adorable and it was a gift session to a coworker of my husband's and his wife.  Little Liam is two months old, and so was able to stay awake for a while and give smiles, but also very kindly slept for us for a while.  It was so great to see a family so happy and to know that Liam will be growing up in a home filled with laughter and love.

It was also great to finally get to meet Erin, Liam's mom.  She and I have had very similar stories for the past few years-- moving for a husband's promotion and relocating without knowing anyone here in MN.  Hopefully we'll get to see you again soon!

Erin, this is one of my favorite photos I have taken, ever.  Your little one is just gorgeous!

Dreaming of his first Christmas!

Such a big boy, holding up his head all on his own!


Unknown said...

Oooohhh. How many times can one say Aaawwwwww when looking thru these? Beautiful shots. Love them all : )

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