Saturday, March 6, 2010

Concept Images for Irish Woolen: Minneapolis Product Photography

There are currently 90,098 pieces of children's clothing available on Esty.  And most of them do not have photographs that differentiate them from the crowd of other knitters, embroiderers, sewers and such.  For my client, Irish Woolen, I knew that her woolen sweaters and hats were gorgeous, but nevertheless needed something more to help them stand out from the crowd.

These are some samples of the concept I think we will be going with after a final okay from the client. (Please note that these images have not been edited as I normally would and the location-- a nearby bike path-- is not typically one I will be choosing for the real images.)  When I work with someone, even an Etsy client, whose photos size, number and basic color scheme are all dictated by the site, I try to keep in mind the feel and look of that shop and create images that fit that client.  I also look at typical listings of like items and think of what I can do that will showcase the unique selling points fo my clients products and how to showcase those selling points. 


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