Saturday, September 11, 2010

Remembering September 9/11

As a person who deals with visuals every day, I would be remiss if I didn't mention all of the images of the September 11th tragedies that are replaying today on television, Internet and any other media device out there.  These photos and videos are still a shocking sight, even all of these years later.  They are so striking, that it is easy to find yourself trapped in them once again, as we all were on that day, and in the many days after. 

However, I would like to encourage you all, to look, to remember and honor, but to not get bogged down in the sadness, fear and morbid curiosity that can come from seeing something so horrible painted in front of you.  I do not think that those that lost their lives, or those that lost loved ones would want us to live in that fear and have those images running through our minds as we lay our heads down to sleep tonight.

So balance out the sadness by looking at photos of your children when they were tiny, look at images of this Great Land that everyone came together to protect and preserve 9 years ago today, and honor those lost and those left behind with your appreciation of what we still have.


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